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What is Cryopreservation?
Cryopreservation is the storage of material below -135°C (-211°F) to provide longevity to biological samples. Around -135°C is referred to as the glass transition point (Tg) of polyol’s water. It is generally accepted that below Tg biological activity essentially ceases. At these temperatures, enzymatic activity slows to a stop while frozen water molecules no longer move and participate in chemical reactions. Current best practices recommend dry storage below -150°C (-328°F) in LN2 vapor for a significant safety margin and to reduce the risk of sample cross contamination.

Why is it Important?
Biological samples are needed for life science research, drug discovery, diagnostic testing, and therapies. Temperatures above Tg are typically not sufficient to preserve essential biological properties for long-term storage. Below Tg, samples can be stored for decades, retrieved, thawed, and be virtually the same physiologically as the day they were frozen. Advances in cell therapy and regenerative medicine with further necessitate quality samples and the cold chain solutions that make them possible.